Norwich Porridge on Tour

Norwich Porridge on Tour

It took a couple of weeks but finally our feet and voices have recovered from doing 3 incredible food events in a week. We loved being at the Royal Norfolk Show then the Norwich Laynes just a few days later. 

It was amazing meeting so many Norwich Porridge customers in the flesh and hearing just how much they love our porridge and what their secrets are when it comes to making their favourite breakfast (one chap swore by a heaped tablespoon of whisky as his final ingredient!). We answered so many questions over the three days so it seems rude not to share it with the Norwich Porridge community.

What makes Norwich Porridge different?
Our porridge is locally made and lovingly made with the best ingredients. There are no added sugars or nasties.  The only sugar you'll find is derived from the dried fruits in our Fruity Nut, Apple Strudel and Cranberry and Pistachio flavours. Each bag is heaped full of ingredients – we don't scrimp on contents or flavour.  

How did Norwich Porridge come about?
Norwich Porridge was born in 2018 as the love child of 2 marathon runners. Gav Fulcher and Tom Ginn who were training for their big event.  During this time these guys tried A LOT of uninspiring porridge to fuel their training and knew they could do better.  So they came up with their own product. The rest as they say is history. 

Is it really made in Norwich?
Yes!  Norwich Porridge HQ is in Norwich and this is where all production takes place.  

Where can I buy it?
You can buy through our online shop or here is a list of our stockists.

How do I cook it?
Either on the hob for 3-4 mins ( adding either milk, milk alternative or water ) or microwave for 1 min stir and then 2 more minutes.

How do I make those delicious overnight oats? 
Our method of choice is one part oats to one part coconut milk ( or any liquid you fancy! ) give it a stir and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning you can top with some natural yoghurt and maybe some berries. Or just eat au natural.   It's a perfect cooling breakfast on the go. And if you want to be a proper superfan you can enjoy them in one of our super cute Norwich Porridge branded jars.

What's your favourite flavour?
Personally I love the sweet and nutty pairing of the Cranberry and Pistachio.  Hands down the best seller over these last few events has been Apple Strudel. But why not try them all with our Collector's Edition offer where you can get all 5 flavours AND a gorgeous tote bag for just £18.70. Bargain! 

I love porridge but hate the washing up afterwards.
Oh we hear you. But the tip is to soak the pan or bowl in a bit of washing up liquid and warm water as soon as you've emptied it. And if you've left it too late then pop a dishwasher pill in later with some warm water. Hey presto – no more scrubbing. 

If you love Norwich Porridge like we do, then leave us a review here. It really means the world to us! 
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